Chasing Butterflies
Our weather is so nice right now, we are spending lots of time outside enjoying the beginning of Fall. Child o'mine is a bug hunter, and Fall is Monarch Butterfly season here in south central Texas (they're making their way down to Mexico for the winter). They are tons of them everywhere and my son spends lots of time trying to catch one. Today he found a playful one (you can spot him in the upper right corner of this photo) - he would swoop his net in an attempt to capture it and the butterfly would gracefully dodge it, but wouldn't fly away. This happened about 4 or 5 times until the butterfly finally flew off, probably thinking his luck would eventually run out.I was so enthralled watching my son play and wonder at the world. Does he truly know how carefree childhood is? I try to remember what it was like to spend my days playing, not having worries or concerns or many responsibilities. I wish I could have captured that time in a butterfly net. I'm so happy that I have my sweet boy to help me remember.
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