Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Mer - Sea

J'aime la mer.
I saw a pillow, similar to this one, at my favorite beach shop in Port Aransas (in fact, there's even a picture of her here [3rd row, middle pic]). I fell in love with her immediately. The price tag, though, not so much (a mere $400). No can buy, I said. But I could probably make, I thought. So I did.  And I love her. She is fashioned in a similar way to all the rag dolls I make, but I had to freehand the pattern which was surprisingly easy. I used tea-dyed muslin, cotton netting for her hair, and hot glued a boat-load of small sea shells to her body.  I'm taking her down to the beach this weekend, where she'll sit peacefully on my bed. Reminding me how much I love the sea.


Mom said...

I absolutely love her and I know Zanya will too. I am glad I saved up all my talents and just passed them on to you -- hahaha. I also liked your squirrel post-- too funny.

Anonymous said...

Wow, that is so cool, she is adorable! thats a lot of shell. i think its cute your mom reads your blog.

Honorary Indian said...

Oooooh! Can't wait to see the pillow perched on your bed-by-the-sea. Great job!

Unknown said...

Whoa!! She rocks. What a lovely mermaid with shell and wave and curl!

Happy Girl said...

Just precious - absolutely impressed by your abilities and creativity! I love her!! She looks even more precious in person!

Amy Keith said...

What a wonderful water lady! The two of you are one-of-a-kind!