Friday, December 19, 2008

What Christmas means to me

It's funny how things change as we get older. I would have never thought this would apply to Christmas, but this year it's become very apparent that it has. I remember as a child Christmas was my favorite time of year. I couldn't wait for family to gather and presents to get opened and treats to get eaten. When I grew up, my favorite things about Christmas were decorating the house, shopping for presents and baking my heart out. When I had my son, I thought all these things would become even more special.

So it's a bit ironic that, at this point in my life, these things no longer define Christmas for me. Maybe it's time, or lack there of, but the shopping and the decorating seem more like chores than pleasures. Try as I may, even baking isn't filling me with the holiday spirit like it used to.

This year I find myself yearning to establish meaningful traditions with my family, something we can all carry in to the future. We've said no to many holiday gatherings in exchange for quiet evenings at home. Instead of becoming wrapped up in the hustle and bustle of the season, I'm reflecting on the year past and the new one ahead. I'm also trying to find ways to give to those in need rather than spending it all on those who have. Most important, I'm focusing on what I teach my child Christmas is about.

I wish you all a peaceful and merry Christmas, and hope that the days ahead are filled with what means the most to you this holiday season.


Honorary Indian said...

That is so beautiful. It's as if you crawled inside my brain and wrote the words that have been swirling around my head for the last week. Just love it.

Maybe you and I can visit Hill Country Daily Bread together on a weekly basis when kids are in school?

It would be fun to serve there together...

cottage farm villa said...

Nicole, I hope that you had a wonderful Christmas and that it was all that you were seeking at this stage of life.

I know a lot of people were feeling the need to give to those less fortunate this year, even though everyone is having their own struggles.

They always say that those who have the least give the most. With all that has happened with the economy, I think it finally brings a perspective to all, that the real meaning of Christmas isn't about buying tons of gifts just to tear the wrapping off.

It has been a humbling Christmas season for many.

Have a very Happy & Healthy New Year! ...and I hope all is well with your loved ones.

Hugs, Cheryl

Dancing Queen said...

i feel the same way! i get more & more sentimental about ALL kinds of things the older i's kind of a curse with some things...:) i find myself not wanting to get rid of toys, clothes, art work all because it gives me special memories...hope yours was wonderful!